This year Lia and I have decided to join big Al on Andros Island in the Bahamas for the month of February. F U February will be here soon and Great Divide Outfitters has partnered up with Hank Thompson of “Hanks Place,” and we are offering limited opportunities for our clients and friends to come join us for a week of guided flats and offshore fishing, good food, and great company. Hank has put together an all inclusive package and at $2800, its a hell of a deal!
We only have 24 spots total, and 20 left. $1400 will hold your spot, and right now round trip tickets from Butte to Nassau are less than $600. The plan will be to fly in on a Sunday, fish for 5 days, and head out on Saturday. The weeks that we have reserved are as follows:
Week #1: February 5-11
Week #2: February 12-18
Week #3: February 19-25
We want to get deposits taken as soon as possible so that we can get the best guides on the island reserved for us. The guides will be Hank Thompson, Herman Bain, Bonefish Bradley, and Henry Smith. If you are interested or want more information, call us at the fly shop at 406-267-3346.