This shot was taken about a week ago. Looks like some pretty miserable conditions right? It was miserable but these two fisherman were having a grand time. On that particular day they caught numerous brown trout and a couple bows. I forgot how many they said but it was a bunch.
The river is now running at 5000 cfs and rising. This is the start of the runoff and it will last awhile. Amazing as it is the river is still fishing, especially on the upper. Not real good but fishing. Also the caddis are still to come off which they will regardless of the flow. When that happens just find some back water and have fun.
I have not received many predictions on peak flow yet. With this high water starting early it may change some crystal balls.
Speaking of high water, that standing wave at the pump station dam is getting higher. If you pull hard to the right after dropping down the chute, you can get out of it. If you hit the middle with a low side hard boat you will take on lots of water. As it gets higher there is a good chance it will sink a low side hard boat.