Anne with west side bonefish
We just got back from a three day trip to the remote west side and Williams Island. The weather was perfect and the fish were very cooperative. All of our bonefish including Anne’s were caught within 100 feet of our camp. This is the very spot Linda and I found several years ago.
My friends at Red Bays initially told me about this place as they camp nearby when sponging or getting lobster. A big reason is not that it’s great fishing there but there is a fresh water source not far away and is the only fresh water there.
The trip started with a barrage of problems. My friends who had their own boat joined up on this venture. First problem was they lost a bearing on their trailer just out of Love Hill. They called my friend Allie the mechanic and he came to their rescue. Within an hour or so we were back on the road—if you can call it a road.
We launched the boats at Red Bays with the tide being very low. At this low tide you have to just putter to a hole next to a crawl and make a quick jump up on a plane. I got to the hole and was waiting for Morten. I could see he was having problems. When I asked if all was ok, he responded with a slight panicky answer of “no”. He said the tilt didn’t work, the boat was filling with water and the engine would not keep running. He sounded like a man who was soon to abort this mission. He finally got the tilt to work some and found the boat was not sinking and the engine kept running. After a couple attempts to jump out of the hole he finally got up and away we went.
More later on the huge school of large permit we found.