25 inch brown trout
Big Hole River 744 cfs—Maidenrock (and rising)
That wide spread rain yesterday was just what we needed big time. It brought the river up 100 cfs. According to the graph it is rising on the upper river also which means it was pretty wide spread.
I still do not have that photo of that 25 inch rainbow Jim caught but how about this 25 inch brown caught last week. I promised not to reveal the location but here are the stats. It was caught on a #16 dry fly on 5x tippet using a 5 wt. rod. That’s quite an accomplishment with a fish that size.
This rising river might put the fish off but for a very short time. Last week the fishing on top water was super.
A few days ago I got a call from a guy back east asking conditions. He said he heard from one of the shops on the Madison that the Big Hole was basically dried up and not worth going. He called me to confirm. The Big Hole is fishing as well or better than any river in the state. The flow is fine and just a bit below normal. If you want the facts, contact me for the true conditions.