Many of you know, and maybe some don’t, but Craig and I spent the last 8 weeks in South America (Peru + Ecuador), and then in Andros Island for bonefish. We apologize for the lack of blog posts recently (I’m talking to you, Dennis!), but this is a task that is best performed on a real computer.
To sum up South America, beautiful! Kind people everywhere we went, the Andes mountains are jaw-dropping, Pacific coast beaches in Ecuador were pristine, and the Amazonian jungle was HOT. We learned about some places that we will return to, and be better equipped with fishing equipment when we do.
Jump to Andros..we were fortunate enough to host nearly 30 guests at Hank’s Place this year! Experience levels of the anglers ranged from rank beginner to seasoned salt water angler. Everyone got into bonefish, landed bonefish, broke off bonefish and had some bonefish flops. Craig and I got to experience year two of fishing the flats. I can’t tell yet whether it was easier, or harder. Definitely easier to see the fish, but having a tiny bit of knowledge on how to approach and cast to them seemed to make it all the more tricky. We experimented with some different fly patterns (ask Al about his minnow), and Craig was able to catch one on a crab pattern. A few people had shots at tarpon and permit, but the excitement of the task overwhelmed most. (We can still hear the, “oh Mon, tarpon! Switch rods, Mon!)

A very special thank you to all of the guests that joined us in Andros this year! We made some great memories with all of you, and nearly drained the island of Rum. Hopefully they stock back up before Erik gets there. Also, a huge thanks to Hank, Eva, Arlene, Kim and the rest of the staff at Hank’s Place for your hospitality, great food, and endless gallons of Hanky Panky. Lastly, a huge shout out to Hermon Bain, and his crew of guides. You guys brought success to all, and helped send everyone back home with memories that will last a lifetime.