It the time of year anglers cherish, the annual salmonfly hatch has hit the Big Hole River. Right now we have been seeing bugs flying across the river, with varying numbers from East Bank to Divide. We received a nice rainstorm on Sunday evening, which resulted in spiking flows on the river. The river did get a little dirty, but we expect to see it clearing up in the comings days. With the increase in flows, you will be able to get your salmonfly patterns right under the willow banks, and be patient for the eat. If you love throwing big dry flies to hungry trout, now is the time to visit.

We are offering shuttles daily, please call the night before if you need an early morning shuttle. The shop is open 7 days per week, and we are loaded up with big dry flies. Feel free to give us call for more information: 406-267-3346