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Apr 9, 2006
Still Rising
Big Hole River 2220 cfs The river is still rising and the visibility is down to about a foot. The ice is breaking up on the upper river...
Nov 30, 2005
Great Divide Outfitters Makes ESPN
I was browsing the web looking for references to Al and Great Divide Outfitters and found this on the ESPN Outdoors Site. Although it...
Oct 21, 2005
Missouri Report
Big Hole 423 cfs Jefferson 892 cfs Missouri (below Holter Dam) 4240 cfs Art returned from the Missouri a bit bedraggled. He said the...
Oct 20, 2005
Fall Fishing
Big Hole 423 cfs Jefferson 913 cfs The weather and fishing remain outstanding on the Big Hole and surrounding rivers. Roger Oettli who...
Oct 13, 2005
Prime Rivers
Big Hole 477 cfs Jefferson 1010 cfs Missouri (below Holter dam) 4100 cfs All three of these rivers listed above are in prime time...
Sep 26, 2005
Jefferson River
Big Hole 325 cfs Jefferson near Twin Bridges 671 cfs Jefferson near Three Forks 921 cfs Today we floated the headwater of the...
Sep 15, 2005
Amazing Sights
Big Hole 209 cfs Beaverhead 124 cfs Jefferson 465 cfs Aside from fishing when we are floating the rivers, often we see some pretty...
Sep 14, 2005
Streamer Success
Big Hole 209 cfs Beavehead 128 cfs Hoppers and nymphs didn’t work on the Mo. but a black wooly bugger did. Not a lot of fish but all...
Sep 7, 2005
Missouri Trip
Big Hole 170 cfs Beaverhead 155 cfs Fishing on the Missouri the last couple days was not as good as I had hoped it would be. We...
Jul 31, 2005
Hot Temps. Hot Fish
Big Hole 300 cfs, temp. 63 Beaverhead 701 cfs Returned last night from three days on the Missouri and was greeted with the cool breeze...
Jul 14, 2005
That’s Not A Carp
Big Hole 652 cfs Beaverhead 524 cfs Jefferson 962 cfs The Jefferson was slow as we knew it would be given the conditions. How ever we...
Jul 12, 2005
About Time
Big Hole 818 cfs Beaverhead 495 cfs Jefferson 1130 cfs I’m starting to get back on track now after a slightly hectic week. The fishing...
Jun 19, 2005
Not Over Yet
Big Hole 2740 cfs and dropping. temp 51 All though the last two days have been tough fishing due to a rising river and cool windy...
Mar 12, 2005
The good and the bad
We floated the Jefferson on tuesday and it was terrible. The lower Beaverhead was real murky but as we got down stream a ways on the...
Mar 7, 2005
Starting early
We usually don’t even think about fishing this early in the season but with the unseasonably warm weather we have been having, it’s time...
Jan 5, 2005
OLN’s Fly Fishing Master Competition
There’s a great read on the Denver Post about Frank Smethurst and Gifford Maytham winning the Outdoor Life Network’s Fly Fishing Masters...
Dec 15, 2004
Fly Fishing the Test
It’s probably no secret that fly fishing in the Western U.S. is very different from how they do things in England and the rest of Europe....
Dec 3, 2004
Burbot on the Big Hole
I was browsing through the Montana Fishing Guide maintained by the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks and noticed that it...
Dec 1, 2004
The Big Hole River Foundation Receives Funding
I just read that the Big Hole River Foundation has just received approximately $135,000 to restore riverbanks and fish habitat along the...
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