Just a few days without a report and I get a scolding.
Big Jim and Sandy are here along with a couple friends who own a lodge on the Big Horn River, Montana. Jim loves to go after those cudas so wouldn’t you know it on the first day he gets two nice ones. That meant we all enjoyed cuda for dinner last night. Hank even joined us and was welcome as he cleaned and cut the fillets for us. Today they went with Herman to Bowen Sound as it is just too windy to go to the Joulters. It was windy there also but they had a great time and caught about a dozen fish.
Hank and I were going to go to the south buoy today as there are reports there are big schools of dolphin (dorado) out there. This morning the wind was blowing at +20 out of the east which would have made for a very rough trip so we cancelled that trip and will wait for calmer seas.
Last night Mario made stew conch for us to have for breakfast this morning. Alas all were gone fishing when I discovered this treat in the kitchen but I did not eat it all. At this very moment Big Jim is having a side dish of it along with his dinner. Speaking of conch there is a lady who is making conch salad just north of the round about every late afternoon. I have had it twice and it’s excellent.
Tomorrow is supposed to be very windy and I think I will take a day off, wash some clothes and catch up on a more lengthy report. How ever low tide is at 8:30 am which would make morning fishing at Somerset very appealing. Will see what the morning brings.