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Late yesterday afternoon I was cleaning a barracuda I had caught, cuttin him up to have for dinner. I was on the dock and within minutes here comes two fairly big black tip sharks—-about six footers. It was obvious the way they were swimming they were looking for food. I threw the barracuda carcass out and in just a few seconds one of them had it. Hank came down and saw them and decided to have some fun. He went to get one of his heavier spinning rods, put some bait on a big hook and threw it out. First two times the shark dropped it but on the third attempt he hooked up. If you want to see a fighting fish in action, a black tip shark will top the list. This thing made three jumps out of the water before breaking off. He tried to hook the other one but no luck.

Yesterday was the first time I found a fair sized school of bones up the creek. Most fish up there have been singles and pairs. Also these singles and pairs have been a lot bigger than the average bone. John who is staying here at Hanks has been catching at least one fish over five pounds every day.

We didn’t make it to Williams Island over Thanksgiving as the weather didn’t cooperate. Plan now is to spend Christmas over there. I can’t wait after talking in length with Benri Smith who has been over there several times. He said the marine life over there is fantastic. Big dumb bonefish, permit, and tarpon that will readily eat a fly. He is guiding on the west side today south of Red Bays. He said a person could spend a month between Red Bays and Williams Island exploring all the creeks and inlets—can’t wait.


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