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Gettin Ready

Been getting some e-mails asking why I’m not on Andros Island yet and giving fishing reports from there. Well I’m waiting to clear up a little medical issue and then I’m on a plane to the island. I’ll see if I can get a few reports from some of the local guides such as Herman, Tommy and Benri. I know the weather there last week was perfect for heading to the remote west side. Very light winds out of the east and those are ideal conditions there.

If anyone is planning a trip to Andros I highly recommend any one of these Bahamian guides. They all have extensive knowledge of the waters from the bights to the west side and the Joulters.

I’m gonna get off the beaten path here for just a bit and tell you about the wolf situation here in the Big Hole Valley. I have it from a very good source there will be no moose permits let out for next years hunting season in the upper Big Hole Valley. Reason being, there are very few left. A calf moose especially is very easy prey for a wolf pack. In the past when I would go up La Marche or Fish Trap creek country I would always see moose. To be honest I have not seen one up there for the last 4 years.

There was a news item in today’s Montana Standard from the Fish and Game. Due to all the livestock killings by wolves they have decided to try to eliminate the so called Battlefield Pack. They also are going to try to cull the Miner Creek Pack which is estimated to be over 15 animals and that is a big pack. There are those who say these ranchers are just whining and the loss of a few head is no big thing and just get over it. With the cattle market the way it is the loss of a few head is a big thing. There are also those who say a wolf only kills what it will eat—wrong big time. Talk to the rancher south of Dillon where wolves killed over 140 of his sheep in a very short period of time. A wolf is a killing machine and they are very good at it. Wolves are here and here to stay. I’m not totally against them but their population has to be kept in check. If you want the ranchers perspective, contact any one of them in the Big Hole Valley. If you are 100% pro wolf I would not recommend asking him for permission to fish on his property—just a little friendly advise.

Happy Thanksgiving


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