Another dolphin
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Big Dolphin (dorado) on a fly
Current temp: 79, wind NE7, cloudy
First thing this morning I looked out my window and it was like pea soup. The fog was about as thick as I have ever seen it. Mid to late morning it burned off and turned out to be a great day. The ocean outside the reef was really calm and I decided I wanted to go and play out there. I couldn’t get anybody to go with me so I finally said the hell with it and went by myself.
I went out past the reef near the wall where the ocean drops from 30 feet to 6000 feet. I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do exactly and it was probably dump luck but I stumbled into a school of dorado. I hooked three and didn’t boat a one but did get some pics close to the boat. First one was a dandy as you can see in the photo (look at the size of his tail) He made several jumps and I thought for sure he was hooked good. Obviously not, as I was getting him close to the boat, one more jump and gone but not before I clicked several shots. Fighting a dolphin on a fly rod and trying to take pics at the same time is not easy I can tell you. I must have clicked a dozen times and at least got a few in the frame.
Good I had the pics cuz when I got back and told story nobody believed me until I showed them with the time and date on them.
What Fun