Now this is a story that is hard to believe but there were three witnesses. I was not there but they swore on a stack of bibles it was true.
Morten and friends were up the creek fishing near this cay where the bonefish have been doing some strange things lately. Like swimming around your feet and this is true because I have witnessed this a couple times. Anyway Morten hooks this little cuda, about six inches long and this big bonefish comes charging and grabs the cuda in it’s mouth and tries to eat it. This does sound a bit fat fetched but they all swore to it and I don’t think they had any drugs along.
Hank’s birthday is Saturday the 19th. He asked how I knew the date as he said he has no more birthdays. I told him I saw it on facebook. Now he wants to know who the hell put it on facebook. So he posted his wish list if you want to come to the party. He wants an I Pad, underwater digital $600 camera. saltwater Penn spinning reel, bottle full of viagra—nothing less. These are the requirements to come to the party and he might buy you a drink.