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bod wedder mon

It’s been windy, rainy and generally miserable weather for the last two days. I talked to Benri Smith today as he was coming back from up the creek. He said they found some bones but the wind was blowing so hard there was no way to cast to them. As for me it’s been a relaxing couple days and I needed to take a break as the tendonitis in my wrist was starting to flare up. As of this evening it’s fine and so is the weather report so all systems are a go for tomorrow.

Here I’am complaining about the weather conditions here while back in Montana it’s super cold. I just got an e-mail from a friend back there and the current temp. is -35 degrees. That’s not wind chill but actual temp. I e-mailed back to look on the good side. That super cold is supposed to kill those pine beetles. I have not received a response but I don’t think it will be printable.


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Craig Jones (MT Outfitter #17520) Lia Jones (MT Outfitter #44488) Great Divide Outfitters

PO Box 93/76793 MT Hwy 43 | Divide, MT | 59727 | 406-267-3346

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