Local gals---Hanks Place
Blanket Sound
Fish on, Blanket Sound
The other day on the way back from Red Bays I decided to stop and check out the fishing at Blanket Sound. I had not been there yet this year and not sure why not. It’s a great place to wade fish with white sand bottom and a huge flat. It was low tide and I waded out toward the channel you see in the pic. I found the fish in the real shallow water just this side of the channel and they were cooperative, very cooperative.
These gals were eager to pose when they saw I had a camera. This was here at Hanks Place last night. Every Saturday night he has BBG and music on the dock bar. Not quite sure why they all were wearing white minis and didn’t ask. They were having a good time. I would have danced with them but I got this bad knee you know…..