Johnny caught this toad last week on a big olive streamer. You guess how long it is. Big fish and there are even bigger fish in this river.
The river has been rising and falling every day between 2400 and 2800 cfs. If we get that inch of rain they are predicting tonight and tomorrow it could very well blow it out for awhile. Cool temps for tonight and snow tomorrow.
Not many people on the river and most think it is unfishable—-wrong. The guys we shuttled yesterday actually did pretty well with olive and black streamers. I took a walk down to my honey hole yesterday evening and got two dandy bows on top. One on a small purple haze and the other on a skwalla. After those two my dog and I decided that was enough and walked home.
The latest info on the rebuilding of the Silver Bridge is as follows and this is from the bridge engineer himself. No work will start until after June 16th and will probably not start until July when the river goes down. Any floating closure will be for no more than 48 hours. This will happen when they pick up the bridge with two large cranes and set it on the side to rebuild it. When I know the exact dates I will post them. Also notices will be at Dewey and Jerry Ck. access.