The flow did level off at 2000 cfs this morning for awhile but has since risen to 2270. The visibility is only about a foot and a half to 2 feet max. At times early today with the morning sun the river looked like chocolate milk. The important thing is to not look to the middle of the river but what do the banks look like. If there is a foot and half of visibility it is fishable as evidenced today when we got another two footer off a grassy bank in about a foot of water. This fish really had some shoulders on him. We were able to land him him in some calm back water and I got some good pics with Bob holding him just off the water. It was a big male in the prime of his life. There weren’t many fish caught today but when you get a couple like that you don’t need many to have a successfjul day.
Outlook for tomorrow is grim with snow and rain and 20 mph NW winds. We were the only boat on that stretch of river today and probably will be again tomorrow.