Big Hole River 636 cfs Jefferson River 900 cfs
I have been chastised from one of my readers for not reporting anything for the last few days. It’s not my fault, it’s this stupid computer. It kept telling me it couldn’t find the server or some thing like that. I was just about to bring out the big hammer when it starting working again.
On to the fishing. Mornings have been good but with these hot days the afternoon is a desert. We have been going out early in the morning and off the river by mid afternoon. Today we had a great one by catching a 20 inch brown on a #18 comparadun. He was in real slow water and a place where you would almost never cast to but I saw him feed out of the corner of my eye and instructed Joe to his location and he stuck him.
As to the comment from the Big Labowski about a report from the Jefferson River—let’s hear it. Are they hitting hoppers over there yet? Are streamers working in the morning? What is the moss situation? The readers are anxiously waiting your report. By the way your xxl shirt is awaiting you here at the shop.
According to the forecast this heat wave is supposed to abate in the next couple days with a good chance of showers.