Big Hole River 398 cfs
We have been having some technical problems with the server on this site. It should be fixed now but who knows with these things.
Fishing on the Big Hole has been good the last few days with most of the action on nymphs.
Eric from Pennsylvania is at Andros Island now and sent me a fishing report from there a few days ago. He said fishing for bonefish was good but they have been hampered by wind and clouds. The biggest excitement they have had so far is hooking into a 5 foot lemon shark. He said it was like tying your fly to the back of a car and have it go racing off. It finally broke off and he was relieved to get his line and backing back. They also spotted some big mutton snappers along the edge of some channels.
Art and I will be leaving next week for Andros Island. He’s been packed for a month and has enough bonefish and cuda flies to support the entire island. I’ll be there for three weeks and will again be doing play by play reports about fishing and other activities around the island. (provided this damn system doesn’t blow up again). Again Jim (The Big Labowski) and Sandy will be meeting me down there along with his son and and a friend of his who is a guide on the Big Horn. Keefer and Cowan will be coming there in April. For a couple of these guy this will be a new experience and after they hook into that first bonefish or cuda they will also be afflicted with this addiction.
While I’m gone, Peter Skidmore and Owen Murphy will be standing in for me and will be doing any guide trips that come up. These are the two young fly fishing fanatics I have talked about previously. Roger Oettle will also be here and will have the shop open.