Big Hole River 703 cfs—-Maidenrock
Yesterday was cloudy and cool and Nicole, my new guide didn’t waste any time tying on a streamer. Actually she tied on two and knew how to present them. We didn’t get a lot of fish but got some nice fat ones. Pictures of my new guide will be under comments soon.
Today was the first time we had good success with hoppers. It was cool this morning and it took awhile to get things going but we had good action on them. Actually the pattern they hit the most was a skwala pattern and the other a golden stone pattern.
We have been having heavy rain showers every afternoon for the past couple days and the river did come up a bit. Some of the lower creeks were real muddy this morning especially Camp Creek which dumps in just below the Melrose access.
There were some interesting comments about the wolf situation. There were some new ones in remidiation but I approved all even though I disagree with some. The one guy who wondered what my rant had to do with fishing and fishing conditions etc. Well once in awhile I just go off the deep end and rant at will. Who knows what the next subject will be that I rant about. Also last time I checked it was still my site so I can rant away when ever the urge hits me.
One more thing on the wolf situation. Late last fall there was a wolf within 100 yards of my house. My neighbor and I found his tracks in the snow and droppings. When ever he was near, Amos, my Great Pyrenees would go nuts. Just over a year ago his dad was killed by wolves near Bull Mountain. Every day Amos patrols the local area as he feels this is his territory. I believe that wolf or wolves were trying to lure him up the gulch a ways.