Big Hole River 939 cfs Beaverhead 855 cfs Jefferson 1030 cfs
It was a bit cool this morning and the dry fly action was slow—real slow. We were in one of my favorite spots on the river and it just was not happening on top. It was cloudy and rather than do the nymph thing John agreed to try streamers. I showed him how to swing it through the seam and on his third or fourth cast the line jumped and he scored a nice fat 20 inch brown. In the next fifteen minutes or so we got two more just about the same size. The fly was just a simple #4 black weighted wooly bugger with grizzly hackle.
Mid day the top water action picked up but still was not great. Late in the afternoon it got really good with big attractor patterns and the last hour of the trip was hot.
My girlfriend Linda over on Andros Island just e-mailed me and said she got her first bonefish on a fly rod and that now she is hooked. I was hoping that wouldn’t happen cuz when I left I told her not to worry about her fly casting but to really concentrate on poling the boat and to learn to be an expert at it. So now what’s gonna happen with two of us on the casting deck with fly rods at the ready and nobody on the poling tower? Things just do not go the way a person plans some times.