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Still Here

Big Hole River 488 cfs—Maidenrock

I didn’r realize it has been a few days since I did a report but several e-mails reminded me of it.

Fishing on top water reamains very good using patterns from the teeny trico, to bigger mayflies and on to hoppers and ants. If one doesn’t work just try another.

Weather pattern is for high’s in lower 80’s for the next few days.

On the subject of the new dam design at the Big Hole Pump Station, I attended a meeting last night with HKM Engineering which is the firm Butte- Silver Bow has hired to do the initial design work and begin with the permitting process. There are presently five design proprosals. As for the first three we all came to a consensus that they would not be acceptable. They were too much like the existing dam with a single deep drop which is an extreme floating hazard and an impediment to spawning fish. Proposals four and five were very interesting with a series of weirs with drops of less than two feet. These would enable safe floating over and would be no problem for spawining fish.

There will be a public meeting this Thursday evening at 6pm in the council chambers which is on the third floor of the court house in Butte. I urge anyone who is in the area to attend.


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