The snow pack in most of Montana according to the DNRC and Snotel is above average, especially in some of the western drainages. The Jefferson drainage, which includes the Big Hole is at 115 percent, upper Missouri headwaters is 119 percent and the Madison drainage is 123 percent of average as of this date. This is well above and beyond last year which was pretty bleak. A lot of the snow came early and was dense which means it will be running off well into the summer. Maverick Mountain ski area, which is just over the hill as we say, is reporting excellent snow pack. Last year they were only open for a week. A friend of mine works at Lost Trail ski area which is near the headwaters of the North Fork of the Big Hole. He told me the snow level there was just about seven feet, that’s a lot of snow.
Perhaps the drought that has plagued us for the last six years is over.