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Slow Morning

Big Hole River 1060 cfs Beaverhead 858 cfs

Still have problems with my computer. Some thing about new updates that they say are necessary and they are screwing me up big time. Oh well I just whine to my neighbor Patricia and she comes over and fixes it again.

Yesterday with the clouds and light rain the fishing was great using big attractor patterns.

This morning it started out a bit slow but mid day and afternoon made up for it. It was a bit surprising with the bright sun but the top water action was good. We did drop a nymph off a big attractor for a little while when it was slow but not for long.

Marty and his daughter Chrissy had a great day. Chrissy had an exceptional day as it was her first time fly fishing and she caught the biggest fish. She is in her third year med school and she was really happy cuz she found out she did very well on her recent 9 hour test. Imaging taking a test for 9 hours. Don’t know about you but there is no way this cowboy could do it.

In the afternoons don’t be afraid to chuck out some size 10 attractor patterns. Put something on that does not come close to anything hatching, for example for awhile this afternoon they whacked a #10 royal wulff—explain that one.


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