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Shoulda Been Here Today

Big Hole River 1850 cfs

The last few days have been great fishing with lots of top water action. The first half of today was the ultimate. For awhile it was so hot it was almost every other cast we were getting a hit and these were not small fish. We hooked at least eight there were over twenty inches. Three of the biggest simply ate our lunch. They were hooked in farily fast water and just headed up stream and we couldn’t stop em. I had Bob fishing with two fly’s on top as often do and at one point he had two fish on at the same time. This doesn’t happen often with dry’s. One broke off and we boated the other. As good as the morning was it was the opposite in the mid to late afternoon, actually it totally died for us late afternoon inthe stretch we were on. Bob didn’t really want to do the nymph thing and that was fine with me. So we basically chilled out in the middle of river for the last few miles and talked about the incredible fishing early in the day.

Looks like it’s gonna get a little cooler next few days and that’s a good thing. How about that flow at still 2000 cfs at Melrose? There were those pessimists back in April saying we would be doomed by now—-oh ye of little faith.


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Craig Jones (MT Outfitter #17520) Lia Jones (MT Outfitter #44488) Great Divide Outfitters

PO Box 93/76793 MT Hwy 43 | Divide, MT | 59727 | 406-267-3346

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