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Salmon Fly Fever

Big Hole Grayling

Salmon flies are here and so are lots of fisherman. However things are going rather smoothly. No fights, no gun battles and most are having good luck catching fish.

Best fishing as of now is between Silver Bridge and Melrose. Just figure you are going to have company.

If you are not having much luck with Salmon Fly patterns, put on a golden. We actually did better yesterday with golden patterns.

I have a picture of a 25 inch rainbow that was caught way up river last week. Having trouble downloading the damn thing—too big I guess. That is the biggest rainbow I have heard of on the Big Hole for a long time. Caught on a yellow streamer on a cold, rainy, windy day—perfect for streamers.

Skeeters are just starting so be prepared. They with the salmon flies arrive just about the same time.


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Craig Jones (MT Outfitter #17520) Lia Jones (MT Outfitter #44488) Great Divide Outfitters

PO Box 93/76793 MT Hwy 43 | Divide, MT | 59727 | 406-267-3346

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