Big Hole River 3180 cfs—Maidenrock
With this unseasonal warm weather last couple days the river will take a few days to get back in shape. Forecast is for much colder toward the end of the week.
I don’t think it is too early to start predicting the peak flow for this year. This will be a real challenge this year. Last year we knew it would be late with all the snow and cold spring. This year is anybody’s guess. Last year’s winner was Holly Asmuth. So start sending me your predictions and I will post them in the shop.
Today I took a drive up to Squaw Ck. bridge—-excuse me, I mean Mud Ck. bridge. Visibility up there is no better than down here. All the creeks coming in up there are fairly clear. Wise River is up a bit but not dirty.
That Hyd

just add water
e drift boat is in great shape as well as the trailer.

15 foot Hyde drift boat----$3500