Big Hole River 530 cfs
We have had lots of moisture so far in October and the river is running well above average. The high country had been getting it’s share of snow with all the surrounding peaks showing solid white.
Today was the opening day of the general big game hunting season. As for me I chose to sleep in which was hard to do with all the rigs going by the house heading up Charcoal Gulch. I did see one bull elk in the back of a pickup coming out this afternoon.
Last Monday night we held a meeting to discuss the dewatering problem and illegal diversion dams on the Big Hole. This meeting was arranged for all the local outfitters and guides to come and voice their opinion. The executive directors from both the Big Hole Watershed Committee and Big Hole River Foundation were there as well as a representative from the Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. I will have to say that the attendance by my fellow guides and outfitters was meager to say the least. This was very disappointing to me as this was supposed to be a gathering where we would speak and act as one. I hear lots of bitching and bantering but when it comes down to crunch time—–where are they? I heard lots of excuses but you know what they say about excuses. All in all it was a good informative, peaceful meeting. Noorjahan who is the director of the Watershed Committee is like a mediator at the peace table when most participants are complaining about whether the table should be square or round. She asked me to consider being the outfitter rep. on that committee. At the present time there is no outfitter on the Big Hole Watershed Committee as there voice was going unheard and they just got disgusted with it. I’ll have to do some very serious thinking about it.
Andros Island trips are coming up soon and the air fares, at least from Montana are not real good. My sister from Chicago and my brother from Denver called last night and were bragging about their direct flights to Nassau for under $300. I think I will remain living in Montana and pay the extra fare. I did receive an official letter from the Mile High Conservation that those two dams that I filed the complaint on have been removed.