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More big fish

I just had a call from a friend of mine who was fishing the upper Big Hole and he caught a nice 20 inch female brown. He said it came out of the water at least five times. When you hook a brown trout and it makes a couple jumps, you can be sure it’s a female. About twenty minutes later he hooked into another big fish that rolled and then went to the bottom and just sulked. After some time tugging on it he managed to get it in and it was a 25 inch male brown. After ten years of fishing this river, this was his biggest. Both these fish were caught in less than a foot of water.

That 27 inch fish caught last week should be in the photo gallery soon.


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Craig Jones (MT Outfitter #17520) Lia Jones (MT Outfitter #44488) Great Divide Outfitters

PO Box 93/76793 MT Hwy 43 | Divide, MT | 59727 | 406-267-3346

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