Big Hole 448 cfs Beaverhead 126 cfs Jefferson 1130 cfs
The Big Hole is now flowing above the 80 year average which is 412 cfs. I think I forgot to mention that about a week ago they reopened the upper stretch which includes Wisdom down to Dickie Bridge so now the entire river is open again.
Fishing has been super with a variety of fly’s including dry’s. Roger went to his honey hole at the lower end of the Dewey Canyon today and started with prince nymphs. After he had his fill of whitefish he switched to a small purple haze, just to try it and proceeded to catch nothing but brown trout. Most in the 12 to 14 inch range. I asked why he didn’t try a streamer for the big boys and he said he was satisfied with the fish he was catching. Many of you remember Roger who helped me out in the shop last year while Art did his thing in Alaska. The doctors told him 3 years ago his time was very limited due to his cancer but he has fooled them and continues to fish as often as possible and is doing fairly well.
Fishing in October is kind of like fishing in April. The weather can be very unpredictable but the fishing can be fantastic and you have the river to your self.
The Missouri also fishes great in October but I had a couple guys fishing on the Big Hole this summer and said they tried the Mo. last October and will never go back. The wind blew incessantly both days they were there and they swore they would never go back. I have been on the Mo. in October with windy conditions and it’s just like fishing the Rio Grand in Tierra Del Fuego where the wind blows constantly. You just have to do a little adjusting. If you don’t like the wind do not go to Tierra Del Fuego where you will not then catch 30+ inch sea run brown trout.