Big Hole River 761 cfs Jefferson River 941 cfs
I had an angler in my boat today who actually made my job easy. We fished dry fly’s all day and he knew how to present them with perfect drag free drifts which is so critical. In fact it makes all the difference of catching fish and not catching fish. I know some folks get tired of the guide telling them over and over that their fly’s are dragging and mend it, mend it and believe me we get tired of saying it. If you know your fly’s are dragging and your guide is not saying anything—it’s time to get another guide or a different hobby as he has given up on you.
It was Bryan’s first trip with us and I don’t think it will he his last. He caught a lot of fish today–no big ones to speak of though we had a couple come up to the fly in slo-mo and just nose it.
It got pretty warm today and things slowed down in mid afternoon as usual until the clouds moved in again later.
Art and I would like to thank Dave and June for the cooler full of cherry’s they dropped off at the shop which they picked over in Idaho–nice big fat ripe ones.
Forecast for tomorrow is much cooler with scattered showers.