Big Hole River 270 cfs Beaverhead River 762 cfs
The Big Labowski and his petite little wife just left after fishing with me for the last two days on the Big Hole. He has been fishing with me for a number of years but he swears these last two days have been the best ever especially on top water. It has been that good and yesterday was exceptional. There were fewer spruce moths today but the action was still great. I just received this email: Al – I came by your shop Sunday with three friends. We bought several dry flies and you recommended we go up to a certain riffle. Quite honestly, it was some of the best fishing we ever experienced. We all hooked and landed several nice fish. I actually fell twice getting one to the bank, it was awesome. Thanks again, Ron S.
The flow is getting low but the important thing is the water temp. Today at 5:15 pm the temp. at the Melrose station was 66 degrees, that’s super. I’m sure the flow will come up some as it’s been raining for the past hour. Hopefully it will put out that fire near the head of Pattengael Ck. which was responsible for all the smoke the last week.
The extended forecast is for cooler days and what a relief that will be.
To keep the facts straight the entire Big Hole is open to fishing except that 19 mile stretch 50 miles up river near Wisdom. I continue to get calls and have people coming in the shop that tell me they heard the Big Hole was closed. With these water temps. you can fish it 24 hours a day if you so please–watch out for the bats when it gets dark.