Big Hole River 516 cfs Beaverhead River 743 cfs
After one computer crashing and the one at the shop with fatal errors on e-mail, all is fixed.
The irrigators must have opened their head gates wide open today as the river took a drastic drop of 100 cfs.
The best fishing is still in the morning and afternoon is the pits.
I met up with my old friend Joe this evening and we got to talking about the days when it was hot and we would load up the horses and head up to the high country. There were times when we didn’t even have any clients but would head up anyway just to check out the trail and try out some new horses in the cool climate right about timberline. To this day I don’t think there is any thing finer than to be on a good horse in a high meadow over looking an alpine lake. We got to talking about a cache we left up there and the need to go up and retrieve it. I still have all the tack but am a little short on horses. Joe said he has plenty of horses but most pretty green. We decided to go for it, if we don’t get bucked off early by the time they have climbed a couple thousand feet they get pretty mellow.