Big Hole River 172 cfs Beaverhead 395 cfs
The trico hatch is still happening big time with swarms of the little buggers mid morning. The fish seem to be getting a little more educated and are a bit more particular on which pattern they will eat. This morning Robert and Holt found the right pattern and Robert was bragging how many fish he caught in this certain riffle as he waded back to the boat. I informed him then that my new fee schedule was not a set rate per day but was based on how many fish they caught. So I asked him again, how many fish did you catch? Just kidding of course. The down side is the afternoon is slow with small hoppers taking a few fish.
Dillon area guide, Ryan Reichle reports the Beaverhead is fishing better with dry fly patterns.
I haven’t heard any late reports about the Mo. I think next week I’ll hitch up the van and head up there myself to check it out.