Current temperature: Not warm enough. Current wind: blew the smile off my face. (Andros withdrawals anyone?)
Typical March weather in Divide. Trying to imagine that the wind is blowing winter away, and pushing spring closer. In the meantime, I have been working on re-vamping the original GDO sign that hung on top of the shop. We installed a new sign post last year (it’s really more like a tower), and hope to hang the newly created sign sometime next week. That should be a really interesting day.

Don’t forget about our Spring Fishing package that we have put together with the Silver Bow Club. And, for all of you who don’t need lodging, we are offering discounted guided float trips at a price of $395.00/day. This includes a guided day of fishing, lunch and tackle.
I have been checking out different sections of the river; in the lower sections the ice sheets on the banks reach about 3 feet out into the river. Those increase the further up river you go…but, there are a few places you could wade without fear of falling off an ice ledge. The temperatures look like they will increase over the coming week, so we should expect to see the ice diminishing from the banks.
We are planning to open shop April 1..if you decide to venture out before that and need a shuttle, call the night before, and we will get you taken care of!