Great Divide Outfitters Fly Shop

GDO Fly Shop
Big Hole River 5310 cfs and still dropping
Thought I would show what the new fly shop looks like inside. When I say new that is the present contents. That building was the maintenance shack at the old Maiden Rock mine. As you can see it’s quite rustic. It’s turning out as a great little rustic shop. I started looking at all those fly bins and did a quick inventory. There are over 350 fly patterns in those bins. Remember we have moved from the old location to 871 Pumphouse Rd. Turn right on Pumpstation Rd. which is just before you cross the Divide bridge. We over look the river across the road from the pump station.
Conditions are looking very good for the next few days. Warming temps, receding river adds up to caddis coming very soon—like in the next couple days. All the river will be fishing good until higher temps start bringing out the high snow.
As for the peak flow contest, I think we should close the lines tomorrow midnight–Tuesday May 31st.