Early morning looking over Fresh Creek Harbor with serene calm conditions.
Kinda makes you want to get your fly rods ready and head out to the flats. Perfect morning to spot tailing bonefish. But it’s a little cool this morninng so I’ll wait awhile.
After yesterday I’m kinda fished out. Mutton Fish Gogie and I went outside along the reef. Now as I probably mentioned before, Gogie doesn’t know a thing about fly fishing. But if you want fish for dinner, he be da mon. We went quite a few miles south and conditions could not have been better. Just a slight breeze out of the south. We did about a half dozen drops, mostly concentrating around coral heads. What a day we had. We came back late afternoon with the big cooler full of fish. With five or six big mutton snapper followed by numerous yellow tail, grunts, porgies and trigger fish. Hank was in his boat nearby and also filled his cooler. You should have been there.