Caught on a mayfly
The river is flowing at 850 cfs which means those of you using hard boats want to be careful for as some of the rocks are growing.
I have been getting several calls regarding Silver Bridge closure. FWP will notify me four days prior to a closure. I will then post it. The contractor is required to only close it 48 hrs. at a time. When they do close it, it will be closed from Dewey to Silver Bridge (power house). That means the entire Dewey Canyon.
If you lost a large streamer box in the Maidenrock Canyon get in touch with me. Describe it to the guy who found it and he is willing to ship it back to the owner—nice guy. As for the guys who recovered their rods left at Silver Bridge. A little reward to the finder would be nice. I talked to her yesterday and she said she got nothing. Next time she said she will just sell the rods.
Small mayflies and caddis working well morning to mid day. Chubby with a nymph dropper is best in late afternoon.