The flow at Melrose is an amazing 1015 cfs.
This next report is from Ben Hahn. He and his new wife floated the Big Hole yesterday.
“The Big Hole is fishing very well currently. I got married last Saturday and decided what a better place to spend a honeymoon then on the Big Hole in the fall! The streamer fishing was on and most fish were taken on patterns with brown/orange combos with a bit of yellow. Make sure to have some yellow in your streamer box. The fish above was caught on a size 4 streamer.
In the canyon below Jerry Creek we caught several bows in the 12-17 inch range on nymphs. A brown girdle rubber leg was good as well as a red san juan worm in size 8. Yes we had some junk out!
With the flows up and easy floating combined with superb fishing, the Big Hole River is hard to beat right now. Ring the shop here in Divide and get up to minute information. “